Friday, September 11, 2009

Preserving Your Family History with Family Photos

Family photos are more than just fun snapshots that end up collecting dust in a drawer somewhere. Whether is a professionally taken family portrait, a spontaneous picture taken while on a family vacation, or a picture that was snapped during a cute or special moment around the home, each photo provides an important component of your family history.

The Importance of Knowing Your Family History

There are several reasons to keep track of your family history. First of all, it helps keep track of any medical issues that may run in the family. But, even more than the logical reasons for keeping track of your family history, it also provides you with a special connection to your relatives - both past and present. It is undeniable that having a focus on family history and events is the glue that binds a family together. Whether times are rough or jubilant, life is always a bit better when shared with the ones you loved.

Tips for Keeping Track of Your Family History

For years, family history information has been passed down through oral story telling from one generation to the next. Unfortunately, this method for keeping track of the family history is unreliable. Stories change as they are past on from one person to the next. Even worse, they become forgotten or never shared at all.

Even if you are not sure about the past history of your family, you can start preserving it today so future generations will have it to share. Thankfully, modern technology has made it much easier to keep track of your family history. The introduction of the Internet has had a major impact on preserving family history, and the best way to do that is to create a family website at one of the many sites available on the Internet that specialize in these types of sites.

On a family website, you can build your own family tree. Since most families tend to be large and spread all over the country - even all over the world - a family tree on your family website makes it easy for each family member to add branches as necessary.

Of course, a family tree isn't enough when it comes to preserving your family history. After all, what truly brings a family history to life is photographs. So, you can create a family photo gallery to display photos of all of the members of the family. This online photo album is ideal for photo sharing and even photo printing, since family members can download the photos. To take it a step further, you can even add family video clips to your family website. In this way, future generations can not only see what their family members looked like, they can hear them as well!

Aside from a family tree and photos, you can also include a narrative family history on your website and even your family crest! These journal entries of special moments, such as a family vacation, a family reunion, and other family fun are what truly bring a family history to life. And, you don't have to worry about privacy because your family website can be password protected to allow only your family members to access it.

Getting the Younger Generation Interested in Preserving Family History

Sadly, it is human nature to lack interest in family history until we are older. Therefore, most of the younger generation is probably not very interested in preserving it. A family website is a great way to spark that interest. Today, the younger generation is used to being on the computer. It is a regular part of their lives and their primary means of communicating with each other. Starting a family website taps into the interest they already have in being on computers.

With family chat rooms and the ability to share photos with other family members, the younger generation will find themselves sharing in preserving the family history without even realizing it! In addition, it will help draw them closer to their family members and help them understand the importance of family and togetherness.

Preserving family history was always a difficult task. It was simply too easy to misplace a baby photo, memorabilia from family travel, and other precious photos. In addition, oral records of family history are simply unreliable. Through a family website and the ability to share a digital photo online, your family history will be sure to be preserved for generations to come.

Family Feud - Who Can Get Affected?

Arguments and disagreements happen in everyone's family. A family feud is when arguments and disagreements get out of hand and are blown way out of proportion and the rest of the family is dragged into the argument.

Most of the time, what started the feud can be rectified before the entire family is drawn in, causing anger and resentment and it is passed down to the next generation.

A misunderstanding between family members that are too stubborn or pigheaded to admit they were wrong and apologize, usually causes a feud.

They simply let the disagreement fester and, after a while, it starts to cause resentment. Soon afterwards, the fighting and feuding starts to get ugly. The parties' involved start to lash out at everyone and the fighting continues.

All to often, the family member who are feuding ask for the opinion of other family members. This is what draws the rest of the family into the feud. A family feud can divide an otherwise happy family into bitter enemies. It only takes two people to start a family feud.

One of the harshest realities of family fights is that the children suffer for it the most. They do not understand how the feud originated and are raised in an atmosphere of intense anger and, sometimes, even hate. This can have a detrimental affect on them. It can stunt their development and affect their ability to feel any other emotion besides aggression.

Perhaps the worst part of a family dispute is that all of these negative emotions can be completely avoided by simply sitting down and calmly discussing what caused the rift to begin with. If you have kindness and compassion and a level head, you will never have a family feud.

Once a family battle has been started, it can be difficult to end. Both sides feel that they are right and sometimes making amends takes time.

It is important to get everything out in the open, discuss the problem without shouting and fighting. Self-discipline will be crucial. Leave those who were drawn into the feud out of the discussions, sometimes they can just add fuel to the fire.

There are times when the feuding parties cannot resolve their differences on their own. This is when a mediator will be very helpful. A mediator is a non-involved party that can listen to both sides and come up with a solution that is acceptable by both parties. Sometimes this can take a long time because there is so much animosity between the parties. Most of the time the parties want to resolve their problems, but are too stubborn to do so.


Family feuds often cause pain and confusion for the younger members. It is healthy to argue once in a while, but holding a grudge is not. Always settle your disagreements before they become out of control and affect every member of your family.

Starting Your Own Holiday and Christmas Traditions with Your Family

When you think back on your childhood, do you recall family Christmas traditions that each year your family participated in? Maybe you all gathered to decorate the Christmas tree together.

On the other hand, maybe you all went out for dinner and then sang Christmas carols to those in the hospital. No matter what you did as a child, you likely look back on the memories with a smile on your face.

As you grow however and have a family of your own, you may start longing to start some holiday and Christmas traditions yourself. Sure, you may want to keep some that you grew up participating in, but there also may be some of your childhood family traditions that you would rather skip right over.

The great thing about having a family of your own is that you can create your own family traditions for the holidays. It doesn't matter if you have kids or not. Everyone can benefit!

The reason holiday traditions are so important for a family is because they build strong bonds. The holidays are times when stress is at all-time peaks. The truth is that most families are rushing from store to store trying to purchase things and getting stressed out the whole time.

Then everyone comes home exhausted and cranky. This can be difficult to deal with. Instead of making this Christmas all about gifts, why not make it about being together and bonding.

The best way to start family holiday traditions is to gather everyone in the house and have a meeting. Ask everyone to suggest one thing the whole family can do together. Your children might want to help make cookies or your spouse might want to snuggle on the couch for a holiday movie.

No matter what they suggest, try them! If everyone has a great time, you can remember to do the same thing each year, therefore creating a family tradition. Of course, if one activity doesn't quite pan out as planned, you can always choose to drop that one and find another. That is how the process goes.

As you repeat your new family holiday and Christmas traditions each year, you will be establishing a family routine that only your family takes part in. It creates a strong bond within your family and will create memories that will last forever!

So, be sure to take the time this year to plan some new holiday traditions for you and your family to try. It can be a lot of fun and help you relax and laugh during the holidays. Remember, even if it is just you and your spouse, you can create family traditions that you might share with your future children one day!

Family - The Basic Social Unit

Family is the basic social unit. Family represents people living together by ties of marriage, blood or adaptation, thus representing a single household. According to sociology, the family has the primary function of reproducing society; biologically, socially, or both. There are various structures of a family based on the relationship shared between the parent and the children. The different types of family are patrifocal, where the family consists of a father and his child; matrifocal, where the family consists of a mother and her child. Consanguineal family is one which consists of the mother, the child and other people, mainly belonging to the family of the mother. The conjugal family consists of one or more mothers and their children, with other people and one or more spouses.

The parent-child relationship varies due to different cultures. One of the prominent forms is the nuclear family. It consists of the marital pair living with their offspring separately. The joint family is an extension of the nuclear family. Joint family occurs when children of one sex live at their parents' house. In a joint family, the children bring along their spouse to live with them at their parents' house after marriage. A joint family usually consists of an older man and his wife, his sons and unmarried daughters, his sons' wives and children. Members of a joint family share all the task of trade, food gathering and preparation and child rearing.

Children who share one parent but not another are called "half-brothers" or "half-sisters". Children who do not share parents, but whose parents are married, are called "step-brothers" or "step-sisters". Similarly, if a person is married to the parent of a child, but is not the parent of the child themselves; they are called "stepfather" or "stepmother".

A complex family involves more than two adults. It refers to any extended family or to polygamy of any type. A joint family is also known as a complex family. The parents and their children in a joint family live together under a single roof. In a joint family setup, the womenfolk are often housewives and cook for the entire family. The patriarch of the family is usually the oldest male member, who lays down the rules of the family. This kind of setup is fast eroding in many parts of the world. Almost all the urban families are switching over to the nuclear family society.

Breast Enlargement Review Step By Step

In this article, we hope to share with you the many aspects that this important subject has to offer you.
We live in a circle in which technology has made it viable for us to change questions of our body that might be a challenge. This is why plentiful women and men pick synthetic surgery each year to accomplish this. A communal question for women to have bespoke is the chest question. Breast enhancement surgery is wholly standard but the intact manner might appear a little scary to women who are not knowledgeable about the practice. As a outcome, this clause will go through a footstep-by-footstep breast enhancement review highlighting what is normally to be probable by somebody undergoing this surgery.

During the first tread of this breast enhancement review, it is important to converse how breasts are enhanced or enlarged. This is publicly done with breast establishs, which are silicone bags containing a salt liquid. The false doctor you limited will be able to show you closely what the establish will look like.

The next stride in this breast enhancement review would be to tell the actual surgery. universally the cmanes are located each below the glandular bandanna or below the muscle. When the doctor cmanes your place below the muscle, the recovery interval is commonly longer.
The second half of this article will help you to extend upon what you have learned in the first half.

The surgery commonly lasts from one to two hours and is under universal anesthesia. Some women are each admitted to hospice or the process is done as an outpatient. The actual surgery is straightforward as the doctor will confer where he will cut you and place the place. From there it is just a stuff of with stitches to close the skin where you were cut.

The last tread in the breast enhancement review would be your recovery at home. For most women who had usual surgery, a few living are all that is wanted. But most doctors will caution that problem should be avoided for a few weeks.

Pueraplus is a premuim grade Thai traditional parsleyal formula resulting primarily from fair Kwao Krua (Pueraria Mirifica) which contains Phytoestrogens (birth conceal Estrogen). After many time of explore from Thailand, the studies indicated that this parsley shows estrogenic and rejuvenate property to the female body especially at the breast, hip, facial skin, body skin, mustache and vaginal epithelium. hence improve the appearance of the female resulting sexual characteristics and also the skin beauty.

The next time someone asks you about this topic, you can give a little smile and provide them an informative answer.

6 Tips for Protecting Your Home – and Yourself - During a Remodeling Project

Spring and summer in Northern New England means relief from the cold, the end of the school year, and a boom in home remodeling projects.

"This is the busiest time of year for us," said Ed Campbell, VP of Operations for Nashua, NH-based remodeling firm G.M. Roth. "With the warmer weather, people can finally open up their homes and start the big home improvement projects – ones that take more than a couple of days, and expose the home to the outside air with more than just an open window."

For anyone looking to tackle a large project – remodeling a kitchen or bathroom, or adding a porch or in-law suite, for example – here are six things for the top of your home improvement to-do list:

Check the weather. Rainy days are frequent in spring and summer months, and depending on the length of time your remodeling project will take, you might need to protect your home from the elements – and from contractors tracking the elements into your home. Make sure you account for this possibility before and during the remodeling process.

Don't forget about winter so soon. Sure, the weather is warming up right now. But if your remodeling project requires new doors, windows, or changes to exterior walls, be sure you discuss adequate insulation and energy efficiency options with your contractor. Come winter, you don't want to be left in the cold.

Get real about the project timeline. We all have the best intentions, and we all like to hear the best-case scenarios. But life isn't always that simple, and neither are remodeling projects. Ask every contractor from whom you get a quote to provide an honest estimate of how long the project will take – no sugarcoating, no rose-colored glasses.

Call your insurance agent. Since home remodeling often increases the value of your home, you'll want your insurance coverage to come up to speed with the improvements. Plus, your agent can tell you if you'll be covered in case of things like weather damage during the remodeling, injuries to workers, and other unexpected events.

Get it all in writing. The agreement you have with your contractor should specify who's responsible for cleanup during and after the remodeling project. Also, responsibility for protection of your property from construction damage should be spelled out, too.

Get out, if you can. There may be times where fumes or dust give you no choice but to stay with friends, family, or a local motel for short spells. But kitchen remodeling, for example, often denies homeowners the use of major appliances and drinking water. Rather than set up a temporary kitchen with paper goods in the spare bedroom, it might be easier to crash with the in-laws for a couple of weeks, and spring for their groceries as well as yours.

Planning ahead, the key to success in so many areas of life, is just as important for home remodeling projects. And with the industry about to go through the high-demand phase of its business cycle, taking time to plan before you start a major home improvement won't just increase in the value of your home. It'll pay off in peace of mind as well.

15 Funny Quotes To Celebrate Joke Day

If laughter is the best medicine, then funny quotes are my prescription of choice. After all, who couldn't use a good laugh or two? Help spread the Joke Day celebration and share these 15 funny quotes with a few good friends.

1. "Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac." ~ George Carlin

2. "Electricity can be dangerous. My nephew tried to stick a penny into a plug. Whoever said a penny doesn't go far didn't see him shoot across that floor. I told him he was grounded." ~ Tim Allen

3. "I drive a V10 Ford Excursion and I have to tell folks all the time: look I've got five kids and a dog and birds. I would have to have two Lincolns with two V8s, you see, so it would be 16 cylinders." ~ Dan Aykroyd

4. "Swimming is not a sport. Swimming is a way to keep from drowning. That's just common sense!" ~ George Carlin

5. "Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes." ~ Jim Carrey

6. "Have you ever been in therapy? No? You should try it. It's like a really easy game show where the correct answer to every question is: 'Because of my mother.'" ~ Robin Greenspan

7. "Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue." ~ Scott Adams

8. "You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you this look that says, "My God, you're right! I never would've thought of that!" ~ Dave Barry

9. "Politicians are interested in people. Not that this is always a virtue. Fleas are interested in dogs." ~ PJ O'Rourke

10. "Insanity is hereditary: You can get it from your children." ~ Sam Levinson.

11. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but if the doctor's cute then forget the fruit!" ~ Bumper sticker quote

12. The difference between genius and stupidity is; genius has its limits. ~ Albert Einstein

13. "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society." ~ Mark Twain

14. "The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you." ~ Rita Mae Brown

15. "USA Today has come out with a new survey: Apparently three out of four people make up 75 percent of the population." ~ David Letterman

As Carlos Mencia says... "If you ain't laughing, you ain't living." This month, why not take life a little less seriously and laugh a little more. At the very least, share these funny quotes on Joke Day and crack a few grins with your friends.